
group at Indiana Dunes and working on synthesizing a nanocrystal(July 2023)

PGS group at The Pub (Aug 2019)

From the 2015 Fall MRS Meeting in Boston, a picture of former group members, Matt Pelton (Postdoc 2004–2007), Mingzhao Liu (PhD 2002-2007), Congjun Wang (PhD 2000-2004), David Strubbe (Undergrad in 2004), Moonsub Shim (PhD 1998-2001), Dong Yu (PhD 2001-2005). Others are Harry Atwater, Uri Banin, and et al. 12/2/2015

Farewell dinner for Sean’s leave at the Nile Restaurant

The PGS Lab fabricated the UChicago shield with silicon dioxide at Indiana Dunes, 7/19/14

Advising going on

all group members/ 2017 winter quarter

Former lab memebers getting together: from left to right, Hunter McDaniell (PhD with Moonsub Shim), PGS, Matt Pelton, Chris Matranga, and Congjun Wang, at the ACS 2015 meeting in Denver

Chemistry Department BBQ! 7/11/14

Pavlo received the Best Poster Award for his work on Pb/PbSe superconductors at the conference “Synthetic Routes to Room Temperature Superconductivity”. Signatures by Dr. Stuart Parkin and Prof. Claudia Felser

Sean received the Best Paper Award for his work on HgTe infrared quantum dot at the “11th International Conference on Infrared Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices”. Signatures by Profs. Manijeh Razeghi, Leo Esaki and Klaus Von Klitzing.

Nick slaying the phoenix